Quartz countertops are a favored option for kitchens and bathrooms, revered for their durability, ease of maintenance, and visual charm. Nonetheless, to maintain their pristine state over time, they demand appropriate care. This guide will delve into expert advice on how to clean, maintain, and repair quartz countertops. We’ll touch on daily upkeep practices and tackle common issues like stains and scratches, ensuring your quartz surfaces stay as alluring as the day they were installed.

How do you clean quartz countertops?

A key benefit of quartz countertops is their non-porous surface, which naturally resists stains and bacteria, making them an ideal choice for both kitchens and bathrooms. For everyday cleaning, a mild dish soap or a pH-balanced cleaner mixed with water is sufficient. It’s important to steer clear of harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners, which can mar the surface or lead to damage over the long term. After cleaning, be sure to rinse the countertop thoroughly with water and dry it with a soft cloth; this step ensures the prevention of water spots. By adopting the right cleaning techniques, you can ensure your quartz countertops retain their beauty and functionality for many years.

How do you maintain quartz countertops?

To preserve the allure of your quartz countertops, it’s essential to shield them from excessive heat and abrasive materials. When chopping or slicing, always employ a cutting board, and to safeguard the surface from hot cookware, utilize trivets or hot pads. Furthermore, refrain from placing heavy items directly on the countertops to circumvent potential chipping or cracking. It’s equally important to promptly address spills and messes to avoid staining and to steer clear of using rough cleaning tools like steel wool or scouring pads. While these precautions might seem typical to many, consistently applying these simple measures will contribute significantly to maintaining the pristine condition of your countertops for the long haul.

To preserve the allure of your Quartz countertops, it's essential to maintain them by shielding them from excessive heat and stains, and by avoiding the use of abrasive cleaning tools.
To preserve the allure of your Quartz countertops, it’s essential to maintain them by shielding them from excessive heat and stains, and by avoiding the use of abrasive cleaning tools.

How Do You Address Stains and Scratches?

Although quartz countertops boast high resistance to stains and scratches, they can still incur damage without proper care. For minor stains like those from coffee or wine, a gentle household cleaner or a paste of baking soda and water can be effective in lifting the mark. When faced with more stubborn stains, opt for a non-abrasive cleaner formulated specifically for quartz surfaces. Should scratches occur, try using a mild abrasive cleaner and a soft, non-abrasive scrubbing pad to gently buff them away.

Dos and Don’ts for Quartz Countertop Longevity

In conclusion, the longevity of quartz countertops can be maximized by adhering to certain dos and don’ts.

Dos for Quartz Countertops:

  • Promptly clean up spills to avoid stains.
  • Always use a cutting board and trivets to shield the surface from heat damage and scratching.
  • Opt for a pH-balanced cleaner or mild dish soap when tackling daily cleanup.

Don’ts for Quartz Countertops:

  • Refrain from using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the quartz.
  • Avoid placing hot pots or pans directly on the countertop to prevent thermal shock and potential damage.
  • Do not use steel wool or abrasive scrubbing pads during cleaning, which could mar the surface.

By observing these simple guidelines, your quartz countertops can remain as stunning and functional as they were on the day of installation.


At LX Hausys, we often receive inquiries about the care of quartz countertops. Below, you’ll find our expert responses to the most common questions:

Is bleach safe for quartz countertops?

Though quartz countertops are tough against most household cleaners, we recommend steering clear of bleach and other harsh abrasives, which may harm the surface.

How can I tackle hard water stains on quartz countertops?

To eradicate hard water stains, try a homemade blend of vinegar and water or opt for a quartz-specific non-abrasive cleaner. Simply apply to the affected area, wait a few minutes, and then wipe gently with a soft cloth or sponge.

Do quartz countertops have good heat resistance?

While quartz countertops offer moderate heat resistance, it’s wise to safeguard them with trivets or hot pads when dealing with hot items to prevent any damage.

Maintaining your quartz countertops with care is crucial for their beauty and longevity. Adhering to these professional recommendations will keep your countertops looking flawless for years.

Should you have additional questions or need personalized help with your quartz countertop maintenance, the team at LX Hausys is ready to assist you.